It is good to yarn with someone outside your family – Kelvin’s story

It is good to yarn with someone outside your family – Kelvin’s story

Kelvin is a single dad with 2 kids and has been separated from his ex-partner for the past 2 years. Kelvin says his problems began when he started using marijuana. He then started using meth and things started to spiral out of control for Kelvin and his ex-partner.

Kelvin's addiction led to domestic violence and time in prison. After his release from a second stint in prison, he realised that if he wanted his life to get better, he needed help.

Kelvin visited his local Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Community Health Service that provided information about Family Wellbeing Services.

At first, Kelvin thought all he needed was support to prove to the courts that he was doing well enough to look after his kids. He soon realised that Family Wellbeing Services could offer so much more. Kelvin put together a case plan with his male case worker that included one-on-one guidance, help from external support agencies, drug and alcohol rehabilitation, and mental health and GP services.

After a year with Family Wellbeing Services, Kelvin saw a big change in his behaviour and attitude. Kelvin says the workers were very helpful, culturally safe and supportive.

Kelvin said the best things about the Family Wellbeing Services are that you get to yarn with someone outside the family, they take him seriously, listen to him and he feels like he's in control of his plan. Family Wellbeing Services helped him become a stable parent and have a better relationship with his kids. The kids are doing very well at school, life is getting better, and he's excited for the future.