
Reuniting Larnie and her kids – Larnie's story

Larnie has two young children and is working with her Family Wellbeing Services worker to get them into playgroup and childcare. Larnie finds it hard to remember everything, so her support worker helps her understand what needs to be done. The phone calls and texts keep Larnie on track to get day-to-day tasks done and she knows it's okay to ask for help.

Larnie feels positive after she sees her psychologist, but she decided not to get domestic violence counselling as she couldn't relive the experience.

Larnie wanted to get her driver licence and her Family Wellbeing Services worker was able to help her get it, making it easier to get her children around safely. Larnie now has her own house and her kids back with her. She is rebuilding her connection to her children who had spent more time living away from their mother than with her.

Larnie's supportive and non-judgemental support worker helped get her life together and she is working towards leaving Family Wellbeing Services.